What is Maryland Latinos Unidos (MLU)?
Maryland Latinos Unidos is a statewide network of organizations, businesses, and individuals who support Latino and immigrant communities. MLU exists to call attention to the disparities and inequities faced by Latino and immigrant communities, to find solutions, and to address these problems with coordinated action. MLU is not providing direct services – we are conveners, advocates, and prioritize the capacity-building of our grassroots Hispanic-serving organizations to ensure that all Latinos can access necessary services and that these are readily available.
We work within and with the Latino/Hispanic community in Maryland by supporting Latino-serving nonprofits, convening around public policy priorities, and working together in common cause. Our priorities reside in the fields of Healthcare Equity, Environmental Justice, Education, and Representation. We also recognize that all of this has to be accomplished by raising wages and supporting Latino small business entrepreneurs. Only when we create the infrastructure statewide to reduce income inequality will we be able to truly begin to fulfill our mission. To find out more visit: www.mdlatinosunidos.org